12° C
Dear guests, this year we are opening on June 6., can't wait, see you soon!!!

Aquapark Aquacolors Poreč
One aquapark, infinite possibilities. Aquacolors is the largest aquapark in Croatia and on the entire Adriatic coast with the largest number of adrenaline attractions and facilities designed for kids&families. Aquacolors has a large relaxation area surrounded by Mediterranean greenery and a unique pool with an indoor bar for adults. We provide comfortable and safe all-day fun, relaxation and refreshment for all ages and tastes.
What can we offer you?
Aquapark Aquacolors has a series of additional services for all visitors to make an unforgettable experience.
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Top attractionFamily rafting slidefor2-4 personsadrenalinextremeshow detail
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Multisurffor1 personadrenalinextremeshow detail
Freefallfor1 personadrenalinextremeshow detail
Uphill navigatourfor2 personsadrenalinmoderateshow detail
Space boatfor1 personadrenalinmoderateshow detail
Black holefor2 personsadrenalinmoderateshow detail
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Twistershow detail
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